
Showing posts from October, 2017

Raised to a New Life of Hope

Wow. Sunday was surreal. Being baptized can do that I guess. For me, this was a different baptism. I had been baptized before…twice actually.  The first time was because I saw everyone being baptized, so I thought it was the thing to do. The second time was because I was joining a church that was of a different denomination than the first, and I just chose baptism as how I wanted to join. This third time was very different for me. Back in August I genuinely made Jesus the lord and savior over my life.  I had been playing games with Him for too long. I had been running from the truth for too long.  I had been fighting battles by myself for too long. It was all too long, but God won the chase. He won my heart. I finally surrendered my mess, my broken, my ugly all to Him. And it was glorious! On Sunday I made that decision public in front of friends, Cho-fam, and strangers. And this baptism actually meant something to me. I genuinely was “buried with Christ and was ...

Life in the Mundane

Mundane: lacking interest or excitement; dull The other day as I walked in a downtown area, I saw these young men with shovels just scraping and digging up all the grass in the cracks of the concrete. Then, it dawned on me, this was an actual job I would have never thought about. Yet, here in the blazing sun, these men were working hard to do that very job. Then, I had this profound appreciation for the men and women who do these mundane (at least it would be to me) tasks. Who would even think that was a job? Definitely not me. Then, I had this overwhelming guilt because there are all kinds of jobs and people that I tend to overlook. These people are children of God, too, so why do I overlook them? That is a great question. “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? And when did we see You as a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in pr...