Rest In Love, Shelby
It was our last full day in Ireland. We were getting ready to catch the tour bus to head out for Giant's Causeway. I was checking my phone one last time with wifi before we left. There have been a couple moments where I have wished I had just waited to check my phone when we got back instead of before we left. The news I saw on my Facebook newsfeed was devastating. Shelby Seabaugh had passed away. "Wait, isn't she only 21," I thought to myself. I was sure they had the wrong person. Maybe it's just an early April Fools?? Nope. None of those things. She had passed away in her sleep Wednesday night. But I just talked to her a couple weeks ago! How did this come up so sudden!? All these questions started running through my head. I had no idea what was going on, and I couldn't receive/make calls or texts because I didn't have an international plan on my cell. I just wanted to be with my Camp Siloam family in that very instant. I stopped and pray...