To the one who abused me

To the one who abused me,

Have your ears been burning lately? Because I have been talking about you quite a bit. Not necessarily in a positive way though. I have had to relive the memories of all the times you hurt me all over again. I have talked about details that I have tried to forget many times. I have had the images flashing through my mind over and over again. And it has only caused my anger towards you to grow.

You made me feel powerless. Gross. Shameful. Guilty. Fearful. You saw an opportunity to take control of an innocent girl and you corrupted her emotionally, physically, and mentally. You probably do not even think twice about me now. I know you did not when it was all happening. You only wanted your satisfaction.

I am not going to lie, I think about you almost every day of my life. Sometimes nice things, but mostly not so nice things. I am so angry at you. You were someone I trusted. Now you have a beautiful family, and here I am still struggling in all of the relationships I have ever had because my trust issues are whack. Not only are my trust issues out of whack with guys I date, but even in my relationships with friends and family. Why? Because someone so close to me hurt me, and I constantly fear it will happen again.

You took my childhood away from me. You took my innocence. You took my peace of mind. You took my ability to trust well. You took my joy. You took my feelings of safety. You have caused me to feel like I could never be looked at by a guy because I feel like damaged goods. You have caused me to fear the future. Especially the thought of even having kids one day. Because I fear something might happen to them, too.

I am still working on forgiving you. Right now, anytime I think of you I just have this burning anger inside me. I do pray for you everyday though, and I pray that you have changed. I pray that your children would be protected. I do pray good things over you even though I do not feel you deserve it.

Even though you took so much from me, you have taught me just as much good. You have taught me that I am strong. You have taught me that good can come from this kind of situation. You have taught me that I can overcome. You have taught me that I am courageous. And I promise you, I will overcome this and will forgive you one day.


The girl you abused


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